Fermo, a prestigious historic city that rises a stone’s throw from the sea, with a classic taste where everyone is the protagonist.
The crenellated tower, with a square layout, is one of the six towers that once protected Torre di Palme castle. Find out the history!
In the Investiture Controversy, as Papacy and Empire were antagonists, Torre di Palme had always been a strong and loyal bastion of the Papal States while the larger city of Fermo often bent to the flatteries but also to the injustices of the Empire.
During the brief Suevian domination of the second half of the XIII century, emperor Frederick II of Swabia wanted the reconstruction of the castle walls and the guard-tower has the typical Ghibellines battlements typical of the Ghibellines faction.
The crenellated tower, with a square layout, is one of the six towers that once protected Torre di Palme castle. The building’s base, in bricks and stones, preserves the oval embrasures common among the guard-towers.
The city walls date back to XIII century like the crenellated tower, it had covered sheltered walkways, a few of them are still visible on the north side of the village and a single door on the north-west side surmounted by a stronghold fallen in 1848 due to strong wind and because of its unstable state of conservation.