Meteorological observatory - Visit Fermo

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Meteorological observatory


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The “Gasparri Meteorological Observatory” is located close to the castle walls on the southern side of the town.

It was designed in the late 1800s commissioned by Don Domenico Gasparri, who was parish priest of the Parish of San Giovanni Battista in Torre di Palme, in order to create a meteoric observatory.

The project involved a neo-gothic construction on several levels configured with a large square tower and a small two-levels tower.

The construction works began in the year 1901; however the construction was never completed, but were built only the first four floors of the eight designed.

At the end of the 1960s the Gasparri observatory was renovated to create a small theater for the parish activities. The only special feature that distinguishes the building is the white travertine used for the neo-gothic windows.


Information point
Archaeological Museum
of Torre di Palme

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